
ANGLE - Draw an angle on a grid
This application demonstrates the use of the Win32 APIs for dialog input and graphic drawing. A grid is displayed and a dialog above it requests the following information:

X and Y - coordinates of the center of the partial circle to be drawn
nRadius - radius of the partial circle
eStartAngle - starting angle in degrees for the partial circle sweep
eSweepAngle - number of degrees through which the partial circle should sweep
The Draw button is then clicked to draw the partial circle, which includes a line drawn from the center to the circle start.

System Requirements

Minimum requirements include a PC based on an IA-32 or Intel® 64 architecture processor supporting the Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (Intel® SSE2) instructions (Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or later, or compatible non-Intel processor), and supported versions of the Microsoft Windows* operating system, Microsoft Visual Studio*, and the Intel® Visual Fortran compiler. Refer to the Intel® Parallel Studio XE product Release Notes for details on the complete system requirements.

Build Instructions

The sample is provided as a Microsoft Visual Studio* solution and also contains a command-line build script (build.bat).
Follow these steps to build the samples from the command line:
  1. Open a command prompt. On Windows 10*, under the Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 product group, select a compiler command prompt. For other versions of Windows*, open the Start menu and under Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 > Compiler and Performance Libraries > Command prompt with Intel Compiler, select a build environment.
  2. Change to the samples directory.
  3. Type 'build.bat'.
Follow these steps to build the samples from Microsoft Visual Studio*:
  1. Launch Microsoft Visual Studio*.
  2. Select File > Open > Project/Solution. Navigate to the sample solution file and select it. Click 'Open'.
  3. Select Build > Build Solution.
  4. The results of the compilation display in the Output window.